“水果店主”:“Who wants it ? Who wants it ?……”老师走过去:(示范)“I like apple.”… [查看全文]
(1) 幼儿自己运用手指动作,一边点一边说儿歌;(2) 幼儿运用往筐子里拿土豆的动作,一边拿一… [查看全文]
幼儿园小班英语教案:How old are you 2018-01-20
两个两个小朋友对话:How old are you? \ I am six.四.结束T: Today is Monkey’s birthday. Happy birthday to you.M: Thank you.
T: Yes, very good. How many?
...... [查看全文]
幼儿园小班英语教案:Johnny Hammers 2018-01-18
.(教师拿出锤子带领幼儿一起来认识锤子的外形)T:Today, I bring a present to you ,but it's in my bag .Do you want to know what it is? You can touch it, and take a guess. ...... [查看全文]
幼儿园小班英语教案:Big…. Small… 2018-01-17
2.激发幼儿参与英语游戏活动的兴趣,并能大胆地开口说。准备: 大小长毛绒玩具若干 ; 大小圣诞树各一棵; 大小玩具木偶(猫, 熊)各一对; 大小玩具(汽车, 皮球) ; 背景图一幅 ...... [查看全文]
幼儿园小班英语教案:This little pig went to the mar 2018-01-16
请几名幼儿说说选择的理由,Why you choose this little pig? 孩子们没说出来的内容,我就直接提醒比方说Which little pig had roast beef? 先请孩子送小猪,送好整体幼儿练习2遍,行么?) ...... [查看全文]
幼儿园小班英语教案:Underwater World 2018-01-16
Game: the teacher ask: XX XX what can you see? XX answer: I can see.....YY YY what can you see? YY answer: I can see...(teacher can help them and point the picture) ...... [查看全文]
幼儿园小班英语教案:不同的颜色 2018-01-06
此活动设计主要是以提高幼儿学习英语的兴趣为突破口,全面提升幼儿的听、读、认等语言能力。活动以游戏为主要的教学手段,促进教学活动生动地进行,使幼儿在愉悦的情境中快乐地学习英语。 ...... [查看全文]
幼儿园小班英语教案:动物大聚会 2017-12-29
T:“Nowwearegoodfriends,let’ssinganddancetogether.Musicstart.”(“现在大家都互相熟悉是朋友了,我们一起唱歌跳舞吧,音乐响起来!”)一起唱跳歌曲《Icansing》 ...... [查看全文]
幼儿园小班英语教案:单词 好 2017-12-25
3、巩固复习单“good”,用单词卡“good”玩游戏。(1) 找单词卡“good”(2) 用单词卡“good”玩游戏:做好(四)复习巩固认识汉字“好”和单词“good”,玩综合复习游戏:拔河比赛。 ...... [查看全文]
幼儿园小班英语教案:The tail of animals 2017-12-18
coming? (出示课件) This is my tail, I can swim. Who am I? Yes, I’m fish.Hello!依次出示狗(I can woof. I’m dog.)、兔子(I can jump.I’m ra it. )、孔雀(I’m beautiful. I’m peacock.) ...... [查看全文]
幼儿园小班英语教案:颜色 2017-11-30
小游戏: 将卡片放在地上,让两个学生根据老师说出的单词,以最快速度拍击相应的颜色卡片,并大声读出来. 胜者发小奖品. 玩两到三组. 不能决出胜负者用 rock paper sci ors ...... [查看全文]
幼儿园小班英语教案:苹果和桔子 2017-11-23
先把水果图片贴到大树上,让幼儿去 摘自己想要的水果(可先请配班老师做示范。教师说I like orange,配班教师摘橘子;教师说I like apple ,配班教师摘苹果,然后请个别幼儿上来摘,摘到的就送给他作为奖励。 ...... [查看全文]
幼儿园小班英语教案:Pass the bunny 2017-11-03
it’s later now , let’s play next time . let’s go .(音乐起,师生跳着兔子舞出去) ...... [查看全文]
幼儿园小班英语教案:It‘s tall 2017-11-03
make sentences with the four words.step four: consolidationa) sing the creating song.b) elicitate students to introduce themselves or their friends to others. ...... [查看全文]
幼儿园小班英语教案:幼儿园小班英语单词 2017-10-25
让幼儿Close your eyes, 出示字母卡片Y,说明Y很象拉链,引出YY拉链Y,并通过游戏“修拉链”训练幼儿的发音。接着出示黄色饮料,说明Y的好朋友是yellow,通过游戏“变魔术”训练Y for yellow. ...... [查看全文]
幼儿园小班英语教案:duck 2017-10-16
鸭宝宝的身上有个中国的什么字?鸭宝宝的头上有个外国的什么字?鸭宝宝正在干什么? ...... [查看全文]
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