

2014-08-28 出处:其他 作者: 佚名

关键词: 名言 关于母爱的名言 母爱的名言 歌颂母爱的名言 有关母爱的名言 关于母爱的句子

  The first home was made when a woman, cradling in her loving arms a baby, crooned a lullaby. The home is a tryst-the place where we retire and shut the world out.-Elbert Hubbard 世界上第一个由一个母亲创造,她抱着她的孩子,唱着摇篮曲。家是我们退休和世界的大门关上时的依靠。

  The bearing and the training of a child is woman's wisdom.-Lord Tennyson 对孩子的忍受和培养是母亲的智慧的体现。

  Mother- the essence of loveliness,The Beauty of a rose,The sparkle of a dewdrop And sunset's sweet repose.-Lydia M. Johnson


  In the man whose childhood has known caresses, there is always a fiber of memory that can be touched to gentle issues.-George Eliot 一个人在童年就知道什么是爱抚,那是记忆的丝语,是温柔的触摸。

  So for the mother's sake the child was dear,And dearer was the mother for the child.-Samuel Taylor Coleridge 一个母亲的目的,是让孩子成为她的宝贝。

  The best academy, a mother's knee.-James Russell Lowell 最好的学校,母亲的膝盖

  Stories first heard at a mother's knee are never wholly forgotten - a little spring that never quite dries up in our journey through scorching years.Giovanni Ruffini


  Every mother is like Moses. She does not enter the promised land. She prepares a world she will not see.-Pope Paul VI


  A mother has, perhaps, the hardest earthly lot; and yet no mother worthy of the name ever gave herself thoroughly for her child who did not feel that, after all, she reaped what she had sown.-Henry Ward Beecher


  Cornelia, the mother of the Gracchi, once entertained a woman from Campania at her house.Since the woman made a great show of her jewels, which were among the most beautiful of the time, Cornelia detained her conversation until her children came home from school.Then, pointing to her children, she said, 'These are my jewels.'-Valerius Maximus
