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幼儿园小班英语教案:Autumns Fruit

“水果店主”:“Who wants it ? Who wants it ?……”老师走过去:(示范)“I like apple.”… [查看全文]

幼儿园小班英语教案:one potato

(1) 幼儿自己运用手指动作,一边点一边说儿歌;(2) 幼儿运用往筐子里拿土豆的动作,一边拿一… [查看全文]

  • 幼儿园小班英语教案:my family(我的家) 2015-12-21

    who is she?who is he?(幼儿练习用it’s……作答)三、now. let’s play a game.who’d like to be mummy (daddy、grandma、grandpa) bear?(幼儿五人一组,分别扮演小熊的一家,各自戴上头饰) ...... [查看全文]

  • 幼儿园小班英语教案:一号土豆(one potato) 2015-12-11

    4、和幼儿一起运用动作来朗诵和表现儿歌的内容。(1) 幼儿自己运用手指动作,一边点一边说儿歌;(2) 幼儿运用往筐子里拿土豆的动作,一边拿一边说儿歌;(3) 幼儿4人合作,一人当筐子,另外的幼儿当捡土豆的人 ...... [查看全文]

  • 幼儿园小班英语教案:wolf and rabbit 2015-12-04

    (三)Game《Wolf and rabbit .》(欢快地音乐……)rabbit rabbit jump jump jump.……(沉重地音乐……)Who is coming ? Wolf ,wolf is coming .……Rabbit ,we are go home!……Wolf go back! ...... [查看全文]

  • 幼儿园小班英语教案:my face 2015-11-27

    C:This is my mouse.T:We can use my mouse do what?C:We can use my mouse eat some food........................结束部分:教师和幼儿一起做游戏,Touch my face.教师说游戏规则,引导幼儿明白游戏的玩法. ...... [查看全文]

  • 幼儿园小班英语教案:The tail of animals 2015-11-20

    Today, Melody will introduce five friends to you. Look! Who’s coming? (出示课件) This is my tail, I can swim. Who am I? Yes, I’m fish.Hello!依次出示狗(I can woof. I’m dog.) ...... [查看全文]

  • 幼儿园小班英语教案:head,shoulders,knees,toe 2015-11-13

    S : Use their fingers point to their head / shoulders/ knees/ toes.sing the song together.D.Review: Show the flashcards and review: Head ,shoulders,knees,toes. ...... [查看全文]

  • 幼儿园小班英语教案:one to five 2015-11-06

    挑选幼儿来游戏,教师用英语数数。最后胜利者得到小鱼奖品。(这个活动和这个游戏的结合非常贴切,每完成一轮,就数下人数和椅子,数字与英语单词的对应关系变得非常明显又有趣。) ...... [查看全文]

  • 幼儿园小班英语教案:one to five 2015-10-30

    挑选幼儿来游戏,教师用英语数数。最后胜利者得到小鱼奖品。(这个活动和这个游戏的结合非常贴切,每完成一轮,就数下人数和椅子,数字与英语单词的对应关系变得非常明显又有趣。) ...... [查看全文]

  • 幼儿园小班英语教案:小班学习字母RST 2015-10-21

    t:o ,look at 冯老师,what’s in his hands? tea教会幼儿正确读音(引导小朋友做拿起杯子假装喝一口。5、游戏 i am home (听音乐随便叫某个幼儿的名字,由吴老师做暗号,听到暗号后停下来做动作r r (发音)ra it) ...... [查看全文]

  • 幼儿园小班英语教案:小班英语教案 2015-10-19

    3、teaching: identify the letter o, and imitate its pronunciation. teacher show the cards to children and read words, all together repeat after teacher . enable children to eak sentence ...... [查看全文]

  • 幼儿园小班英语教案:milk 2015-10-12

    玩法:教师请幼儿上来品尝milk,然后说出品尝的东西的名称。同时纠正幼儿的错误发音。2)Game:Run and Touch玩法:教师手上分别拿cake、milk的图片,请两名幼儿上来比赛,教师说到哪个单词,幼儿就去拍哪张卡片 ...... [查看全文]

  • 幼儿园小班英语教案:苹果和桔子 2015-09-23

    以各种培养儿童听的能力和模仿能力为主的游戏活动为主,同时又以真实的情景教学刺激儿童模仿或主动说英语。该设计运用了TPR教学法、直接教学法、情景教学法和交际教学法等有效的教学方法,各教学法运用得当。 ...... [查看全文]

  • 幼儿园小班英语教案:It‘s tall 2015-09-14

    b) Fast Reactionc) Make sentences with the four words.Step Four: Consolidationa) Sing the creating song.b) Elicitate students to introduce themselves or their friends to others. ...... [查看全文]

  • 幼儿园小班英语教案:幼儿园小班英语教案 2015-09-09

    请一个小朋友来说,另一个小朋友来做相应的动作,其他的小朋友来做裁判,看他们两个人说的好不好,做的对不对。对的要说YES,不对的要说NO.并且指出来他们哪里说的不对,应该怎么改正。 ...... [查看全文]

  • 幼儿园小班英语教案:小班学习字母RST 2015-09-02

    t:o ,who is coming? ra it star 教会幼儿正确读音t:o ,look at 冯老师,what’s in his hands? tea教会幼儿正确读音(引导小朋友做拿起杯子假装喝一口。5、游戏 i am home (听音乐随便叫某个幼儿的名字, ...... [查看全文]


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