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英语名言: books like friends should be few and well chosen

2016-04-25 出处:其他 作者: 佚名

关键词: 名言 英语名言 英语格言 英语名言警句 英语名句 英语名言名句

  1. All books are divisible into two classes: the books of the hour, and the books of all time. 一切书籍都可以分为二类:即:一时之书与永久之书。

  2. All human wisdom is summed up in two words ?C wait and hope. 人类所有的智慧可以归结为两个词,等待和希望

  3. All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。

  4. books, like friends, should be few and well chosen. 书籍和朋友,在好不在多。

  5. he who will not learn when he is young will regret it when he is old. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

  6. ignorance is the curse of god, knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven. 无知乃是罪恶,知识乃是们借以飞向天堂的翅膀。

  7. All things in their being are good for something. 天生我才必有用。

  8. And gladly would learn , and gladly teach.勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。

  9. There is more than one way to skin a cat.到达目标的设备多得很。

  10. Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.行动是知识之佳果。

  11. Doing is better than saying.与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上。

  12. it is harder to conceal ignorance than to acquire knowledge. 掩盖无知要比学到知识更难。

  13. knowledge comes from experience alone. 知识来自实践。

  14. knowledge is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone. 知识是一座城堡,每个人都应为它增砖添瓦。

  15. Do nor for one repulse, for go the purpose that you resolved to effort. 不要因为一次挫折就放弃你原来决心要达到的目标。